FY25 Budget Information

Vote June 4, 7 am - 7 pm

FY25 Budget Book

The following budget book outlines the changes and new documents related to the revised FY25 budget as approved by the MTSD School Board and voted upon on April 16.

  1. Budget
    1. Approved Proposed Budget (6/4 Vote)

  2. Revenue
    1. General Fund Revenues & Revenue Details

  3. Expenses
    1. Expenses by Function (Chart)
      The "Expenses by Function" chart displays how financial resources are allocated across various operational areas, offering insight into our budgetary priorities.

  4. Vote Information
    1. June 4 Warn
    2. Budget Presentation
    3. Budget Info Sheet
    4. FY25 Version 3 Talking Points
    5. MTSD Budget Voting Record

Education Tax Rate Increase

Because homes in Milton have been selling for more than what they were valued at before, the Common Level of Appraisal (CLA) percentage has gone down. This means that when we calculate the tax rate, the final number is divided by this lower percentage, resulting in a higher tax rate. As a consequence, the town needs to contribute more money towards education taxes, as we receive less from the state in return due to the increased home sales.

Line Graph

Revised Proposed Budget Vote
June 4, 2024
Revised FY25 Budget Numbers
Budget Vote
April 16, 2024
Original FY25 Budget Numbers
Original Budget Vote
March 5, 2024
Original FY25 Budget Numbers

Board Q&A Sessions

Arrowhead Lodge
May 24, 5-7 pm
River Street Park
May 25, 11:30-2 pm
Two Boot Saloon
May 27, 6-8 pm
May 29, 5-7 pm
Budget Social
May 30, 6-8 pm
Milton Diner
June 2, 10-1 pm
Fire Station
June  3, 5-7 pm
June 4, 7 am-7 pm