Board Meeting Information
School Board Meetings
All Regular School Board meetings, unless otherwise warned on the agenda, will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Milton High School Library, 17 Rebecca Lander Drive. You may also join the meeting online by visiting the following URL. Please make sure to enter your first and last name to be admitted to the meeting.
Regular School Board meetings occur twice per month according to the schedule below, with some exceptions; please see the schedule for more detail.
Special School Board meetings, including but not limited to hearings, retreats, joint discussions, and work sessions, will take place as announced/warned.
MTSD School Board Community Comments
Rules of Engagement
Effective 12/16/2021
Comments will be limited to no more than three (3) minutes per person. All participants must sign in, either on the clipboard in person or via the moderator on Zoom, and clearly state their name and the topic of comment when recognized.
Community comments are an opportunity for board members to listen to constituents. They are not designed to be a discussion, nor are they the place to share specific concerns related to personnel or student matters. It is the responsibility of each of us to discuss these topics in a manner that demonstrates civil discourse and mutual respect for one another, especially where we may disagree. We will not tolerate profanity or shouting. Please remember to keep our students in mind when you share your comments with the Board today.
Should you indicate that you are requesting a response to a question, then the Board will provide you with a response at a later date. Alternatively, you may choose to submit written comments to the board in lieu of speaking during the public comment period. Your written comments will be reviewed by all board members prior to the next meeting.
The general community comments section is for comments on issues that are not in the discussion section of the agenda. If you have a comment about a current meeting discussion item, you will be given an opportunity to speak when that item is discussed later tonight.
The full policy on Public Participation is available for viewing: A21: Public Participation at Board Meetings
You can join the regular and special board meetings via Zoom as well by selecting the button below.
You must with first and last name to be admitted to the meeting via Zoom.
If you subscribe to Comcast, you can watch Milton School Board meetings on Lake Champlain Access Television (LCATV). Currently, our meetings also stream live. You can visit their webpage, LCATV Milton School – Livestream.
Meeting Schedule PDF