School Board » Board of Trustees » Board Goals

Board Goals

The Board is accountable to the community to ensure that the district makes reasonable progress in achieving outcomes for students and that the system operates in compliance with all policies, laws, and regulations. In order to meet this obligation, the Board works in partnership with the Superintendent to identify priorities for student learning and system operations aligned with the MTSD's vision, policy, strategic plan, and goals. The Board monitors progress and performance and conducts financial oversight by reviewing achievement data, the MTSD Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP), capital projects and financial reports regularly. 
The Board evaluates itself annually using the Vermont School Boards Association Essential Work of School Boards Self Assessment. This tool provides the Board an opportunity to reflect on its most critical roles board goals and identify the priorities necessary for the MTSD to flourish. 

Theory of Action

If the MTSD:

  • Engages all students in a personalized learning education,
  • Ensures there are effective teachers, leaders, and school staff at every level of the organization focused on improving student outcomes,
  • Enlists its partners and engages families in a local and global school community approach, and
  • Holds itself accountable through strong performance and sound fiscal management

Then, every MTSD learner will be challenged and supported to reach their highest potential and be prepared for success as an engaged citizen locally and globally.

For FY25, the MTSD Board of Trustees will prioritize the effectiveness and improvement of its community engagement and public communication. To this end, it will create a communication strategy or plan, implement it, and evaluate it in the summer of 2025.

Goal 1

Continue to engage the community and build trust through transparency, regular communication, and processes that allow for input.
Timeline: Starting in August and ongoing
Data Source / Evaluation Methodology: Evaluate the effectiveness by tracking the number of community members added to the list.
Person(s) / Entity Responsible: District employees with website/social media access.

Key Action Step 1

Since families with children already receive the district communication. The Board will conduct outreach to community members without children to add them to the District listserv.

  • Budget Communication
  • Facility Communication
  • District Newsletter
Timeline: Starting in August and ongoing
Data Source / Evaluation Methodology: Evaluate the effectiveness by tracking the number of community members added to the list.
Person(s) / Entity Responsible: District employees with website/social media access.

Key Action Step 2

Adding a Board Corner to the already existing Electronic District Newsletter with topics such as (1) explaining how the board monitors district progress, (2) the budget process and changes happening this year, (3) what each committee does, (4) the strategic plan process, and (5) characteristics of an effective board including board vs superintendent roles.

Timeline: September (Karen: Topic 1), November (Kumulia: Topic 2), January (Scott: Topic 3), March (Jeremy: Topic 4), June (Allison: Topic 5)
Data Source / Evaluation Methodology: Community feedback and understanding (tracking method TBD).
Person(s) / Entity Responsible: One board member per newsletter.

Key Action Step 3

Identify topics and conduct frequent community engagement opportunities. 

Timeline: September 19 (Community Expectations), October 15 (Herrick Direction), November 9 (Herrick), January 16 (Budget), March 3 (Budget)
Data Source / Evaluation Methodology: Track attendance and conduct exit ticket.
Person(s) / Entity Responsible: Full Board.

Key Action Step 4

Identify learning opportunities for the board to increase understanding

  • Board Specific Learning
  • District Specific Learning (learning about school improvement initiatives through reports and presentations to the Board at Regular Meetings) 
Timeline: March 21 (Board Retreat), July 24 (Board Retreat), October 24-25 (VSBA Conference), November 14 (Board Retreat), January 16 (Board Retreat?), February (Board Meeting - EQS Quality Standards)
Data Source / Evaluation Methodology: Board members communicate effectively about these topics to non-board members.
Person(s) / Entity Responsible: Board Chair and Vice Chair.

Key Action Step 5

Improve email communication with constituents
Timeline: As needed.
Data Source / Evaluation Methodology: Fewer emails requesting responses or containing repetitive questions.
Person(s) / Entity Responsible: Board Chair and Vice Chair.

District Goal Monitoring (UPDATED 08/22/24)

The MTSD Board of Trustees will monitor and support student academic progress and wellness through the process outlined below. 


  1. The MTSD Board of Trustees will review and provide feedback on the MTSD Continuous Improvement Plan before it is submitted to the state for approval (June)
  2. The MTSD Board of Trustees will monitor District Goals by:
    1. Reviewing student academic progress and wellness (Presentations to the Board)  
      1. November
      2. March
      3. May/June
    2. Learning about District initiatives and professional learning toward achieving those goals (throughout the year - Superintendent and Principal Reports)
    3. Engaging in a process to align the CIP with the MTSD Strategic Plan (Strategic Planning Committee)
  3. The MTSD Board will communicate District Goals (State Approved CIP) to the community (September)
  4. The MTSD Board of Trustees will support student academic achievement and wellness by: 
    1. Approving a budget for adoption that provides the necessary resources to achieve its goals
    2. Ensuring that the policies promote and advance the District's goals
    3. Engaging the community

Plans 101 - FYI

The number, names and purposes for district plans can be confusing. Here is a brief overview of the MTSD Plans and how they fit together. 

First, there is the overarching MTSD Vision of Learning. It includes the following components:


District Vision Statement


The MTSD Vision of Learning was the result of an 18-month community engagement process that concluded in March 2020. This is our North Star.

Once the MTSD Vision of Learning was finalized, the MTSD 5 Year Strategic Plan was written. This plan is used in several ways:

  1. It provides high-level guidance to the MTSD Board of Trustees
  2. It serves as a tool to report our progress toward our priorities and goals to the Board
  3. It is the guidepost for drafting the MTSD Continuous Improvement Plan

We are in year 4, of the 5 year strategic plan.

State Approved Continuous Improvement Plan

The VT Agency of Education (AOE) requires all school districts to have a continuous improvement plan - often known as the CIP. It is a means for the State to ensure every school is focused on improving student achievement through an aligned curriculum, high-quality evidenced-based instruction, a comprehensive assessment system, tiered supports, and on-going professional learning. The MTSD CIP aligns with our Strategic Plan; however, it is more detailed and focuses on the year ahead.  

School-based Work Plan

This takes the CIP to an even finer grain. It outlines how each school will carry out the CIP.