FY26 Budget Letter & Save the Dates

Re: FY26 Budget and Bond Information

As we enter February and early voting, there are many ways to learn about the FY26 Budget and Bond. Foremost, we are thrilled to inform you that the school portion of property taxes are estimated to DECREASE as a result of the factors that calculate the school budget tax rate. To learn more about both the MTSD Budget and Bond details check out one of these opportunities.

  1. On February 6th from 6:30-7:30 p.m in the MHS library, MTSD Board of Trustees will host a Budget and Bond Informational Session. There will be refreshments and a short presentation followed by a question and answer session.
    Zoom Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85141058650?pwd=R3hNS1Y5dlQwQ1U3NGhPUHJjbHA1QT09

  2. On March 3rd beginning at 6:00 p.m in the MHS library, the MTSD Board of Trustees and the Milton Selectboard will host the Annual Milton Town Meeting.
    Zoom Link: https://link.mtsd-vt.org/JointMeeting

  3. The MTSD Website is chock full of information:

    1. MTSD Budget Page

    2. MTSD Bond Page