Reporting a School Threat or Safety Concern

November 15, 2024

To: All MTSD Staff and Families

From: Amy Rex, Superintendent of Schools

Re: School Threat

Reporting a School Threat or Safety Concern

Foremost, I would again like to express my appreciation for your support and patience as we navigated a challenging school safety scenario earlier this week. The MTSD takes every threat or concern related to school safety seriously. If you see or hear anything concerning, please report it immediately using these guidelines:

  1. During school hours (7:30 - 4:00), call the school of interest and state that you have a school safety concern to report. In this way, you will be directly connected to a school administrator.

  2. After school hours, call the Milton Police Dispatch.

An email or phone message after school hours may not be viewed until the next morning. If buses are already on the road and staff and families are beginning to arrive at multiple locations simultaneously, it makes responding to a school safety concern much more difficult. A call to police after school hours allows us time to coordinate a response and often resolve the situation before school routines begin in the morning.  

Impact of Digital Misuse

As we navigate the digital age, we’re seeing social media has become a central part of our students’ lives, offering connection and engagement but also presenting unique challenges. Recently, we’ve observed a concerning pattern of social media posts by students that, though often intended as jokes or pranks, have led to unnecessary school wide concerns. These incidents not only cause alarm among students, staff, and families, they require considerable coordination between administrators and law enforcement diverting valuable time and resources from students and the community at large.

Teaching Boundaries: An Essential Part of Digital Responsibility

As a school, we’re committed to supporting students in developing good digital habits, and we encourage you to join us in setting boundaries around social media use at home. Clear boundaries help students understand what is appropriate and responsible to post online and guide them in making decisions that respect the safety and peace of our school community.

What We’re Asking of Parents and Guardians:

  • Discuss Real vs. Online Consequences: Help your child understand that even "joking" posts about potential threats or other inappropriate topics can lead to very real consequences, including the involvement of school authorities and, in some cases, police investigations.

  • Encourage Thoughtfulness and Care: Remind your child to think twice before posting, as their words and actions online can have a lasting impact on their own reputation, on school safety, and on the well-being of those around them.

  • Establish Limits and Monitor Use: Setting guidelines for when and how social media can be used can support your child in making better decisions. Frequent check-ins about social media behavior can also reinforce this message.

Working together, we can help students become responsible digital citizens, using social media in ways that foster positive connections and safety. Thank you for your continued partnership and for your support in making our school a safe and positive environment for all.