MES Remediation Results Update

September 11, 2024

To: All MTSD Staff and Families

From: Amy Rex, Superintendent

Re: Milton Elementary School Remediation Results


Today we received the post remediation test results from Fuss and O’Neill. The post remediation testing was for ‘B and C Hall’. The results for all classrooms in both ‘B and C Hall’ show significantly lower spore counts than the control sample for similar predominant species. This is great news.  However, the post remediation tests from the hallway area are within the same range as the pre-test. Additionally, no olfactory evidence was observed nor was there any indication of apparent visible microbial growth or water staining in any of the classrooms or the hallways. 

Although the classrooms are ready, we must do additional remediation work in the hallway spaces prior to occupying the classrooms. G.W. Savage is here now conducting the protocol and will be finished before the end of the day. Fuss and O’Neill will return to do another post remediation test on Thursday, September 12, and we should receive the results late Monday. Undoubtedly this was not the news we were all hoping for; however, we are still ahead of the schedule initially presented to us from GW Savage and Fuss and O’Neill. 


Updated Move In and Movie Plan

Families - Please use the same field trip permission form that was sent home. As long as we are able to move into ‘B and C Hall Classrooms next week then:

  • The students scheduled to attend the movie on Thursday, September 12 will attend on Tuesday, September 17 and 
  • The students scheduled to attend the movie on Friday, September 13 will attend on Wednesday, September 18

Please use the same field trip permission slip form


General Information About Mold

  • Mold is everywhere in the environment - both indoors and outdoors. Mold can grow indoors when there is a water or moisture problem like from a leak or high humidity.
  • Unlike asbestos or PCBs, there are no requirements or limitations for the presence of mold and occupancy. 
  • No matter how much or what kind of mold is in a building, the action steps are the same: remove or clean the moldy items and fix the water or moisture problem.
  • Sensitivity to mold varies from person to person. Some people have mold allergies and therefore, a higher sensitivity.
  • People with weakened immune systems or breathing problems may be at greater risk of health effects from mold.

For more information about mold, please go to