MES Remediation Results

September 6, 2024

To: All MTSD Staff and Families

From: Amy Rex, Superintendent

Re: Milton Elementary School Remediation Results

Great News! We have received our first set of post remediation test results from Fuss and O’Neill. The post remediation testing was for ‘A Hall’ only, and we are ecstatic to report that these classrooms are ready to be occupied. For all of ‘A Hall’ the post remediation tests had lower spore counts than the control sample for similar predominant species. Additionally, no olfactory evidence was observed nor was there any indication of apparent visible microbial growth or water staining. 

To allow time for teachers to move and set up, students from these classrooms will attend the movie Inside and Out 2 with 19 of our staff members supervising. The movie is a great connection to the MES morning Community Circles and the social-emotional curriculum. This first move will take place on Monday, September 9. A Hall includes the rooms from 431-442 which is grade 1 (Aranjo, Eaton, Gage, Desranleau, Schaffer and Carpenter); half of grade 2 (C.Hurley, Korb, Martisus, and Turner); the K-2 Student Services; and the MES Nurse.

Even Greater News!! GW Savage has completed the remediation protocol 10 days ahead of schedule. The post remediation testing in both ‘B and C Hall’ were conducted today and we should have the results next Tuesday or Wednesday. If the results show that we can occupy those spaces, then all children should be in their assigned rooms no later than Monday, September 16. We will communicate the results as soon as we receive them along with any subsequent transition plans.

As I walk around the temporary learning spaces, I have been very impressed with both the resiliency of the staff and our scholars. I would describe them as positive, cheerful and focused. Undoubtedly the beautiful weather has helped everyone have a very first successful week. On behalf of MES, we extend a heartfelt gratitude to all our families for your patience and support.

General Information About Mold

  • Mold is everywhere in the environment - both indoors and outdoors. Mold can grow indoors when there is a water or moisture problem like from a leak or high humidity.
  • Unlike asbestos or PCBs, there are no requirements or limitations for the presence of mold and occupancy. 
  • No matter how much or what kind of mold is in a building, the action steps are the same: remove or clean the moldy items and fix the water or moisture problem.
  • Sensitivity to mold varies from person to person. Some people have mold allergies and therefore, a higher sensitivity.
  • People with weakened immune systems or breathing problems may be at greater risk of health effects from mold.

For more information about mold, please go to