Why September is Important

August marks the start of the school year and it’s been shown that consistent attendance in September sets the cadence for attendance the rest of the year. It’s also important because it encourages healthy habits. Did you know research shows students who miss 2-4 days in September are five times more likely to be regularly absent throughout the school year?

Chronic absenteeism doesn’t just affect academic performance—it can have long-term impacts on students' overall health and well-being. This month we’ll be sharing helpful attendance tips on our social platforms to help families encourage their students to be present and engaged.

It’s not just about showing up but also being ready to learn. A well-rested student is more likely to actively participate in class and understand the materials being presented. Let’s kick it off with a few helpful strategies.


  • Consistent Bedtimes - A regular sleep schedule helps children get the rest they need to function at their best. Studies have shown children who get enough sleep are more focused and have a more positive attitude towards school.
  • Preparing for School the Night Before - Mornings can sometimes be hectic, to help reduce stress try preparing for school the night before. Have your student lay out their clothes, prepare their backpack, and pull together any homework assignments they need to bring with them the next day.
  • Having a Morning Routine - And last but definitely not least, having a morning routine can set the tone for the entire day. Children that know what to expect each morning are calmer, more organized, and prepared to face the day. A good routine includes a healthy breakfast, personal hygiene, and gathering last-minute items they need for school.

Remember, every day counts. Let’s work together to ensure our students have the best possible start to the school year. Let’s make attendance a priority! And don’t forget to keep an eye out for other helpful tips on our social platforms.

Helpful Resources

https://www.attendanceworks.org/ Source: Attendance Works