Meet Scott, Our New MHS Principal

Getting to Know Scott: Fun Questions

  • If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
    "I could use a few extra hours a day to get all my emails I’d like to be able to 'turn time.'"
  • What’s your favorite food?
    "Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! I can’t get enough of them."
  • What’s your favorite sport or hobby?
    "I’m a huge fan of live music, especially jam bands and bluegrass, and I’m a die-hard Aston Villa supporter in the Premier League."
  • How do you spend your time when you’re not at school?
    "My family has a camp in the Adirondacks, where we love to hike, paddle, and fish. I also follow English football (soccer) closely, and my mood often matches the fortunes of Aston Villa Football Club."
  • What’s something surprising people might not know about you?
    "In college, I was a starter on the Colby College rugby team that made it to the National Final Four for Division II. My whole family drove in a minivan to Ohio State University to watch us compete."
  • What’s your favorite book or movie, and why?
    "The Royal Tenenbaums" might be my favorite film of all time."
  • If you weren’t in education, what career do you think you’d be in?
    "When I was younger, I dreamed of becoming a politician. Running for office still sounds exciting!"

We’re Looking Forward to Great Things with Scott!

As Scott settles into his role, we’re looking forward to seeing how his leadership will shape our school. He’s eager to get to know everyone and become part of the MHS community. Scott’s love for storytelling will help weave the fabric of our school, ensuring that every student and staff member feels like an important part of the MHS story. Let’s give him a warm welcome as he joins our team and brings his unique perspective to our school community!