Herrick Facilities Update

August 16, 2024

To: All MTSD Families and Staff

From: Amy Rex, Superintendent

Re: Update - Herrick Avenue Building Conditions

We are in receipt of the Environmental Assessment and have had the opportunity to review it with the engineer from Fuss and O’Neill. Below is important information to help you understand mold and the impact it will have on the start of school.

General Information About Mold

  • Mold is everywhere in the environment - both indoors and outdoors. There is good mold and bad mold.
  • Unlike Asbestos or PCBs, there are no requirements or limitations for the presence of mold and occupancy.
  • Sensitivity to mold varies from person to person.
  • Some people have mold allergies and therefore, a higher sensitivity.

What the Fuss and O’Neill Report Reveals about Mold in Milton Elementary School

  1. Non-invasive Air Quality assessments were conducted in A, B, and C Halls, the lobby, and 41 classrooms. Over 50% of the assessed rooms were found to have less than 2 sq ft of water damage and/or suspect apparent visible microbial growth on porous and non-porous surfaces that varied in scope and location including ceiling tiles, wallboard, upholstery, personal items, light fixtures, HVAC components, and on the concrete walls. 
  2. Qualitative swabs were taken in A, B, and C Halls, Rooms 436, 445, and 460, and the Lobby. The Lobby was the control sample. Qualitative spore count sample results indicate that all indoor sample concentrations were less than concentrations in outside samples collected prior to indoor sample collection except in a sample taken from A Hall and room 436. 
  3. Predominant spore types include aspergillus/penicillium types, Basidiospores, and Cladosporium. Aspergillus/penicillium types are indicative of water intrusion. Cladosporium typically grows where moisture is present. Basidiospores are typically released during periods of high humidity.

Next Steps - Facility Related

  1. Onsite consultation and protocol plan for remediation with Fuss and O’Neill
    1. The earliest they could schedule us is Thursday, August 22nd. We will then have a remediation Protocol Plan in place by Friday, August 23rd.
    2. We have a company on standby who can begin the work once the Protocol Plan is in place.
    3. Work can not begin until the Protocol Plan is in place. 
  2. Extensive analysis of the areas that may be contributing to the presence of moisture within the building will continue. This includes the roof, windows, ducts and vents.

Recent HVAC Improvements 

Since 2018, 28 air-conditioning units have been installed in all but 11 classrooms which will be installed this fall. These air-conditioning units operate 24 hours per day//7 days per week for the duration of the summer months. Had these units not been in place, it is likely that the current mold/moisture situation would have been significantly worse. In total, 33 of these units were funded using the ESSER grants. 

Impact on Start of School 

Once we have the remediation plan, we will know exactly which classrooms will need to be closed for remediation and which classrooms can be occupied. This information will help develop our learning relocation plan. 

At this time, we are delaying the start of school for 1 week while we communicate and implement the learning relocation plan, including setting up alternative learning spaces as needed. This may include using the gymnasiums, mobile classrooms, or enclosed tents, etc.


Students PreK - Grade 4 will begin school on Tuesday September 3rd. 

The MES Back to School Bash on August 20 is canceled

The Kindergarten Breakfast on August 26 is canceled 


All Milton Middle School Students will start on time on August 26th.

Next Communication

The next communication will be Friday, August 23, after the Remediation Protocol Plan has been created. Additionally, once the Learning Relocation Plan is established, each grade level will be invited to an online presentation to discuss the logistics for students in that grade and answer questions. Parents/guardians and teachers will be included in those meetings. 

If you have questions specific to the facility, the mold or next steps, please contact either Amy Rex or Matt Grasso. If you have specific student questions, please contact Kylene Flowers.