Herrick Avenue Building Conditions

August 12, 2024

To: All MTSD Families and Staff

From: Amy Rex, Superintendent

Re: Herrick Avenue Building Conditions

On Thursday, August 8th it came to my attention that the Milton Elementary School was showing signs of potential mold. It is not unusual during a summer with high heat and humidity that the Herrick building shows signs of mold. When this occurs, we always take the appropriate steps to conduct removal. Typically this is a manageable task.

Unfortunately, the conditions shared with me on Thursday were more advanced than what is experienced in a typical summer. Given the conditions statewide with flood clean up, we were unsuccessful in our efforts to find a professional cleaning company to come in over the weekend. 

This morning Fuss and O’Neil came in and conducted an environmental assessment. They will share the results of the assessment along with a detailed remediation plan with us on Thursday or Friday.  Once this plan is reviewed, I will send an update to inform you of the steps the MTSD will be taking to address the issue at MES. It is my hope that remediation will not impact the start of school for students; however, we will not know until the assessment is completed. This situation is only impacting a portion of MES. We continue to monitor all areas in both schools. There are no concerns for Milton Middle School.

Uncertainty - even for a few days, generates anxiety. Please know that our first priority is student and staff safety. We know first hand how important it is for students to be in person for learning and to have predictable schedules and routines. If we have to pivot - even for a few days, we will ensure to communicate in a timely manner a plan that provides your child with a smooth transition back to school.

Thank You
